Kaiser Half-Marathon - February 4th, 2018
Make friends with pain and you’ll never be alone
This race was amazing. Redlined the whole way. Here are the stats:
Chip time 1:21:16
HR: Average 170bpm, max 180bpm
Cadence 167
Pace: 6:09/mile
Heading into the race my goal was to go Sub 1:25 so I was able to go under my goal time. It was an all out suffer-fest. Coach told me to take the first mile reserved so it ended up being my slowest mile @ 6:19. I was moving well throughout the entire race and towards the end I got into an all-out sprint to the finish. Very very satisfying. I remember finishing and then immediately thinking I was going to pass out. I’d never gotten an opportunity to race so hard like that so it was immensely gratifying. Great way to start the year off.